Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend outing

So this weekend was the annual March Warm up tournament for the softball team. I packed my 6 bags litterally and headed to st george. 2 were for me 1 for porter and 3 for Keller. I tell you what vacations and babies don't mix. But we had fun in the long run. Jana read her Fabio romance novel and we all laughed at her. Jake played cards with Susan any chance she could get she would track him down to play cards. But he loves cards so it was all right with him. I won't play with him because I am so competitive and when I loose I throw them or yell at him. But the trip was warm and I love this time of year. Softball is such a fun competitive sport in the outdoors. But on the way home we stopped by Fillmore. Porter really wanted to go see grandpa John. So we did. I think this was the most emotional and upset I have been since the funeral. When we left Fillmore after we buried dad it was so peaceful. I felt the spirit I knew all was well and that things would be all right. But today it wasn't. My dad is gone and it hit me like a ton of bricks. There in the background were the Beautiful mountains up Fillmore canyon. Where we used to spend so much time camping with family. The grass over dads grave has started to settle and it is looking like it is part of the ground now. It made me a little upset and feeling bad for myself. But I guess it will be easier as time goes on. But I do daily wonder what my dad is up to. I think he is probably keeping busy I am sure there is a lot of work for him to do. But I wonder what he is up to. I keep thinking he is going to swing by and tell me things are all right. Tell me a little joke and let me know who he is teasing. But i do miss him. It is times like this I am so thankful for the Gospel, and my mother who is a rock. I know she has her ups and downs, but she knows that families are forever and she will be with Little Johnny Whicker again.
So know that you all know I am sad and a crybaby. The tears are killing me because I am majorly sunburned.


Johnsons said...

That must be so hard Jodi! Loss is such a hard thing. Thank goodness we have the understanding of the gospel. I seriously don't know how people get through death without knowing that we can see them again. It is hard enough knowing that. I'm sure he is up there playing many practical jokes though for sure. Hang in there, you are a rock yourself!

Shannon P. said...

Jodi I have not doubt that he comes around and checks up on your family. I think they are closer than we think. He must be so proud of you and the wonderful mommies you and Jami are. Your family is so amazing and I am so grateful to call you a friend:-)

Candi and kids said...

That is the worst when you cry and are sunburnt!!! I too waited and hoped that Jake would let us know that he was ok, and he never did. But I know he is and you will know in time, the more family that moves on to the other side, the more comforted you are that they are with eachother. Hang in there, it'll be but a minute to John before you are with him again.

Candi and kids said...

PS you know your dad is raising HECK up there playing jokes on everyone. He was so funny and such a prankster!!!

Brittany and Daniel said...

Hey you came to St. George and didn't even come see me, I would have watched the boys for you. Hope you had fun, our weather is great right now huh.

Colette said...

Glad you had a great trip. Just remember time heals all wounds. I still have to say that your family has done so well with the loss of John. I know it's hard but will hopefully get easier. He is a great man and still lives on. Love ya!

Unknown said...

So sorry. I am dreading the days that you are going through. I sometimes dread the days I am going through. But you are so right about the gospel. It is at times the only thing holding me up. A friend gave me a book. It is called the Birth we call Death. It has settled my mind a little. Have you read it? Wanna borrow it? It is tiny small, probly 5 bucks at Seagull. It has really changed me... It opened my mind to something. There would be no sadness, if there wasnt ever love. So I guess it is great to be sad. Becuase you had so much love. Does that make any sense? I'm think'n of ya. In fact I cant get the chest picture out of my head! hee hee Get your mind out of the gutter. It is the words I remember...

Loveless Family said...

hey Jodi! It's Marcy!! I'm sorry about your Dad!! It stinks huh!! I seems like every thing is going well, and you think that you are beginning to heal and then bam!! You hit a wall. Then the next week is tough. But amazingly enough we get back up and keep going!! The gospel is great isn't it! I don't know how people deal with death without it!! Take care!