Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thinking lately

Just been thinking a lot about my dad and how much he loved the fall. It brought hunting , and one ugly pheasant hunting hat. He loved to watch the boys play football, and Jami and I play volleyball. He loved his pine nuts, and of course this is where my love of NFL football came. I loved to watch with him. We would sit in the basement with the fire going and flip from game to game. It was always so much fun when our teams played each other. Jarret always claimed he had so many favorites so that at least one of his teams won each week.
The past few weekends I have been able to spend time with each of my siblings and their kids. I couldn't help but think how much my dad would have loved each one of them. How he would have treated each one with their unique personalities. One thing i have been OK about is having kids and getting birthday presents we never faced the wrath of John and gifts. His siblings and their kids got the best of that. I am sure we would all have many animals and drums and the most annoying toys you could imagine.
The family has really had some ups and downs. We have rallied together for each other. But we know that one key ingredient is missing. But like the seasons there is always change. Whether it is for better or for worse change happens and we deal with it.


Vanessa said...

Change is hard for me too. I hope you all hanging in there. I'm sure you have your good and bad days.

Feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Each season that changes, each holiday and birthday that passes makes it harder to be without my Dad. I made a video for his funeral, I havent been able to watch it yet. But most of my family has, they say that it is super hard. But they are greatful for the memories. Am I? I spend so much time trying to pretend like everything is all right. Putting on the fake out smile. I have some physical problems starting to pop up lately, I keep thinking that maybe the stress "is" starting to get to me.
Funny how our feeling run so close to each other. When ever I go anywhere with my family I cant help but really notice my Dad missing. Why did this happen? It makes everything else even harder to deal with.
YOu seem a little more balanced latley. Not as mad... It that correct? I pray that some peace will come soon. Or maybe my head will just explode!

Anonymous said...

This post made me laugh because your dad really was a funny person and the practical jokes he played on everyone will live on forever in all of our minds!!!

Jim said...

Loved your post (as always!!) Thanks for sharing your heart!